Darkknight, hello and I am doing great thanks. Also appreciate the update. I couldn't help but note in your second paragraph you wrote " Recently the brothers" " They met" " Overall the conversation with the body went well" " They were actually ok..." " They still want me..." " They also offered us a bible study..."
Anyway my point is, I don't believe you wrote that and thought about hiding identities, rather you wrote it about people who should be your friends, and have names like " Tom" " John" and " Jim" instead you repeatedly gave them titles as " brother" " the body" and " they"
In my opinion this says a lot about how you perceive the " organisation?" If so may I suggest you consider the fact that an " organisation" does not have feelings, it's individuals that have feelings. To clarify my point you wrote " The brothers decided to FINALLY consider my letter of resignation?" I mean come on, that's your decision, which can be discuseed with friends,that care about you, not those guided by an " Elders book Manuel"
I wish I could understand depression, I know it's a terrible illness because I have friends that suffer from it, actually maybe I should say I am glad I can't understand depression, but I hope I can empathize with it, and I hope you find the " healing in time" that you seek. Also I could never imagine, the pain you have gone through, please take care Mike in hyperspace.
The Rebel.( Mike)